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Shy Dogs: Components of Fears

At Casa de Hays, we take a lot of behavioral dogs. If I were to break it down simply for our latest two fosters, Xavier & Cayden, I could...

Dog on Dog: Is It Really Aggression?

My dog, Caelan, was attacked yesterday (he's unharmed). No, I didn't blame the dog who attacked him. In fact, after a few minutes to cool...

Don't Touch Me: Managing Aggression

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) reports that there are approximately 4.5 million dog bites annually in the United States. Although...

Shy Dogs: Avoiding Learned Helplessness

Although every dog has unique traits that I love about them individually, I really click with the shy dogs who have been through a lot....

He's Not Friendly: Managing & Respecting Dog Aggression

Most people who look to add a canine member to the family want a dog social companion, one who can go to playdates with friends' dogs or...

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